Godot'nt (No longer using Godot.)

After a whole month of silence, primarily for personal reasons involving college and bad ADHD medication, I have come to announce: Yeah, I'm not using Godot for the game anymore. Why? ...Well, a few reasons, but here's one reason in particular:

My extreme lack of knowledge towards using Godot is HEAVILY stifling the progress for the game. Godot's workflow is very different from game engine's I have used in the past, like Gamemaker Studio 2 and, of course, Clickteam. To suddenly pivot towards using Godot would mean that I would have to learn how to do so many things that I frankly took for granted with Clickteam. While Godot is a far more capable engine, I have WAY more experience with Clickteam and it's jankiness. It is also, in my personal opinion, the best engine to use for classic style FNAF games.

Huge tip for any developers: Do not just suddenly change game engines for a project that you've already started on. You will regret that very, very fast.

While I'm here, I guess I should post videos of what I managed to do in my short time of trying to port what I had into Godot. (Not a whole lot.)

Scene Transitions and Switchng

Direct Port of Scrolling and Perspective Effect


I am returning to Clickteam only somewhat reluctantly, but I have many plans that involve coding it in a far less spaghetti fashion, which means that I will not be using the older project. (I coded it better than Scott Cawthon did with the normal FNAF games, but the technical debt was still fucking insane and hard to work with.)

See y'all soon! ...Also, if you're seeing this later on, merry chrimbus.

Get Lovedoll Toy Factory


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I'd be worried that Clickteam might limit the game's potential a little, but if you're more capable there then I get that. Could always continue to learn Godot bit by bit for future projects. idk why but this is one of my favorite fnaf projects lmao so any news about progress is good news


im sure it will end up fine in the end though please do continue but also dont burn yourself out. have a good one


It's good to get updates in the progress aalways, merry Christmas dude.


sad to hear you're switching back, but good to see you're still motivated, have a good Christmas <3