Hey man you're doin' good, from what I know clickteam's a bitch, so good luck with your work, also, I don't think the extra itch.io page is necessary, just place it under the title of "OLD DEMO"
I don't know if the author needs such comments, but I figured out what animation behind glass should look like for one of the cats. Since she moves fast, you can do a parkour type where she jumps out from one side, lands on the glass and jumps back to the other side, especially at this moment we see her pressing her breast against the glass, high
(maaaaaybe you will not like this request and maybe even someone Who is watching this comment but “it does no harm to try”) I would like to see an “after-jumpscare” sex scene that can be looked again in a menu,maybe 2 or 3 different scenes for character and a new menu with normal night and custom night that can be played even at the beginning of the game.
the amount of polish this has for a simple tech demo is promising, extremely promising
you're a talented developer dawg, but remember not to work too hard- you don't want to burn yourself out mid-development (that's how the best projects meet their end)
try and pace development, take breaks and make sure you aren't always thinking about this
Game's pretty good so far. My main gripe is that the cursor isn't aligned with the mouse so clicking on things needs guesswork sometimes. Also clicking on the rooms sometimes does nothing unless you keep hammering the button.
hey ai just try yhis game iti amizing but theres a few problems ai think in the full game should not a panel to repair both dorways and light and cameras and ai think you should have limited power usage and the jupscares only one has a real jumpscare and is teddy and the rest are fake ai hope you fix this in the full version
Yeah, can't do much about that. The way Clickteam compiles stuff just triggers the fuck out of the automatic detection of antiviruses, and I can't really do much about it unless I buy certificate for the game.
I may try to get it on a vm to see if it is safe first and then on my pc, not that I don't trust you, just trying to keep my pc from deleting drivers again lol
This is actually really well done, great work so far! While I'm not personally a fan of Clickteam setting off my virus scanner, It functions as an engine alright. Cute artwork, and familiar gameplay, would love to see this continued. <3
No, the game is playable, you just have to click 'run anyway'. Antiviruses tend to overreact when it comes to files that are not published by larger groups, including games from itch.
Question: When Jerri gets implemented will he be an ally to the player? From a motivation prospective it makes sense, due to both parties (Jerri and the player) wanting to survive the night.
hey, i just recently found this game, and honestly i hope development goes well, i've never seen a game like this go for an artstyle like yours and i think it looks great :D
desactiva el anitivirus primero luego descarga el juego y añade la carpeta donde esta el juego instalado a la lista de archivos permitidos del antivirus para que este no los borre o directamente lo bloque de la descarga
I've already talked about this in previous comments, but do not rely on VirusTotal scans to verify if something is a virus or not. I've looked through it myself.
The antiviruses that get triggered when VirusTotal scans the game use machine learning algorithms to find code similar to viruses, and it is never a reliable way to find out if a program is a virus or not, because it will get triggered if it finds any code remotely close to what is found in a virus, which is unfortunately common stuff like checking for mouse input and checking what keys are pressed.
This is actually a common issue among games made using Clickteam fusion 2.5. Mainly due to the fact that every Clickteam Fusion game like this one are all compressed into a .exe file.
← Return to game
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i like how this look like and jump-scers is funny (I like it when the cursor is scared)
Hey man you're doin' good, from what I know clickteam's a bitch, so good luck with your work, also, I don't think the extra itch.io page is necessary, just place it under the title of "OLD DEMO"
I don't know if the author needs such comments, but I figured out what animation behind glass should look like for one of the cats. Since she moves fast, you can do a parkour type where she jumps out from one side, lands on the glass and jumps back to the other side, especially at this moment we see her pressing her breast against the glass, high
having good and bad ending means one is bad and one is good, you purple or glop
The hell do you mean by purple or Glop??
I'm just saying that. I hope the bad ending won't involve the night guard getting killed.
wait so how would your idea of a bad ending go
I was trying to make it so i was goin insane so it was a funny
I accidentally deleted my comment and hoping the bad ending won't be that bad and wanting it to be wholesome and cute
I like the game and all the things but my complain is THERE IS NO FULL SCREEN, and the cursor time and time but for a demo, FIRE
Don't worry, when the game comes, the cursor will be fixed and the fullscreen will be properly implemented!
:D, do good and I wish you the best my G, btw have hope in life and hope it goes well
(maaaaaybe you will not like this request and maybe even someone Who is watching this comment but “it does no harm to try”) I would like to see an “after-jumpscare” sex scene that can be looked again in a menu,maybe 2 or 3 different scenes for character and a new menu with normal night and custom night that can be played even at the beginning of the game.
I also like bryangames912@gmail.com idea, maybe you can do a mix of the 2 ideas
I’m Italian so if you don’t understand something sorry
I really like your project is very promising, I support you
We do already have plans for each character to have at least 2 post-game over sex scenes, among many other planned features.
Will some of the Post game over nsfw scenes involve death??
Not really, only nsfw scene
virus detected
it worked on the itch.io app
Windows doesn't like clickteam
the amount of polish this has for a simple tech demo is promising, extremely promising
you're a talented developer dawg, but remember not to work too hard- you don't want to burn yourself out mid-development (that's how the best projects meet their end)
try and pace development, take breaks and make sure you aren't always thinking about this
good luck comrade
is there any way to financially support this
well i think is the creator who can add the ability to do that
How can I install the game?
My computer says it's a virus so it's blocked, so I'm wondering how to install it
Can you disable that?
Probably not
Even if I don't know how to
Try installing it on their app, itch.io/app it worked for me
I hope they show up the mobile port and not discontinue this. I wanna experience the game
Be patient
i feel emotionally attached with my dick
prommissing but needs some more work
keeping an eye on this one tho
Game's pretty good so far. My main gripe is that the cursor isn't aligned with the mouse so clicking on things needs guesswork sometimes. Also clicking on the rooms sometimes does nothing unless you keep hammering the button.
hey ai just try yhis game iti amizing but theres a few problems ai think in the full game should not a panel to repair both dorways and light and cameras and ai think you should have limited power usage and the jupscares only one has a real jumpscare and is teddy and the rest are fake ai hope you fix this in the full version
good news: the false positive doesn't effect ALL antiviruses, malwarebytes says its all clear!
Me pregunto si un dia llegara con subtitulos al español
looks like a well made game but one small issue, found this in the files: Trojan:Win32/Suschil!rfn
Stay safe out there 😉
Yeah, can't do much about that. The way Clickteam compiles stuff just triggers the fuck out of the automatic detection of antiviruses, and I can't really do much about it unless I buy certificate for the game.
So its not a real virus? Not like I can download it anyway cause windows is preventing me from downloading it
Yeah, false positive. You can probably work around it by telling Windows Defender to shut up.
I may try to get it on a vm to see if it is safe first and then on my pc, not that I don't trust you, just trying to keep my pc from deleting drivers again lol
so howd it go?
nice work so far! however, a couple of issues I've noticed:
1: Inputs are laggy, I don't know if its a clickteam issue or something else but I feel as I should open the panels and click faster.
2: lack of sound cues, obviously this is still an early build, but some simple cues would be nice
Overall, I'm looking forward to future builds! I'm interested in seeing how the gameplay and story play out!
How do I scroll down on laptop, so I can lowering the bratti difficulty
This is actually really well done, great work so far! While I'm not personally a fan of Clickteam setting off my virus scanner, It functions as an engine alright. Cute artwork, and familiar gameplay, would love to see this continued. <3
I need this game on android
La verdad es que me sorprendió bastante que el juego tuviese animaciones tan fluidas y doblaje, se ve bastante bien.
No one has uploaded gameplay of this game so here I am to be the first to do so. xD
I was actually quite surprised that the game had such fluid animations and voice acting, it looks pretty good.
Why did I get a virus warning?
The publisher said that it's due to ClickTeam and most anti-virus software creating false positives.
It isn't something the dev can fix though. It is ClickTeam itsel
does that mean the game unplayable? if so that's sad.
click on "more info" or whatever it says and then click accept on the popup
No, the game is playable, you just have to click 'run anyway'. Antiviruses tend to overreact when it comes to files that are not published by larger groups, including games from itch.
Will this get a mobile port?
Question: When Jerri gets implemented will he be an ally to the player? From a motivation prospective it makes sense, due to both parties (Jerri and the player) wanting to survive the night.
Yes! I won't dump his entire mechanic here, but he works as an ally, but becomes an enemy under certain circumstances.
Who said i wanted to live?
hey, i just recently found this game, and honestly i hope development goes well, i've never seen a game like this go for an artstyle like yours and i think it looks great :D
Entonces no importa si mi antivirus lo detecta como un virus,significa que el juego no tiene virus?
por lo que escuche el antivirus solo cree que es un virus. pero no lo es. alquien mas lo dij
Sabes como puedo hacer para que mi antivirus no me bloque la descargar?
desactiva el anitivirus primero luego descarga el juego y añade la carpeta donde esta el juego instalado a la lista de archivos permitidos del antivirus para que este no los borre o directamente lo bloque de la descarga
i cant download the game my gx computer thinks its a virus
It because dev use a clicksteam
whats a clicksteam?
Clickteam is to make a game, but the thing is it make a false trojan virus
Still can't download the game because it thinks it's a virus.
Android support when
so really fast question how do i install it if my anti virus block the download?
Dont download i ran it thru a viras scan program and it has a virus
I've already talked about this in previous comments, but do not rely on VirusTotal scans to verify if something is a virus or not. I've looked through it myself.
The antiviruses that get triggered when VirusTotal scans the game use machine learning algorithms to find code similar to viruses, and it is never a reliable way to find out if a program is a virus or not, because it will get triggered if it finds any code remotely close to what is found in a virus, which is unfortunately common stuff like checking for mouse input and checking what keys are pressed.
so your sayng that this game is not a virus?
It isn't. It's just automatic antiviruses being fucky and throwing false positives, basically.
ha thank you for clarifaing that. but do you know a way to make so it dos not happend
Tell me for the love of god. Is there going to be an android ver. 🤔
*explodes them with mind*
I'd love to play this game, but... My antivirus is telling me it's a Trojan. Is there any way to play it without the alert? If so, please tell me.
el un problema de clickteam .
se solucionara cuando cambie a godot
Thank you and please take your time. No need to rush.
no soy el desarrollador. pero el ya dijo que anda aprendiendo godot por lo que le tomara un tiempo actualizarlo xD
Oh gosh I'm sorry I... I didn't know. This is embarrassing...
Hey man
You better check your game carefully, because I think it is infected with trojans
About 12 Trojan alerts appeared (Screenshot in case you don't believe me)
This is actually a common issue among games made using Clickteam fusion 2.5. Mainly due to the fact that every Clickteam Fusion game like this one are all compressed into a .exe file.
More information can be found here https://clickfusion.academy/prevent-false-virus-flags-fusion-2-5/
como dijo el otro es un problema de los juegos de clickteam.
el desarrollador pasara a usar godot para solucionar esto pero le tomara su tiempo antes de sacar una nueva versión.